Scientific (including peer-reviewed)


«Mortem annuntiamus et resurrectionem confitemur. Microcosm of liturgical development. Part 2», Ecclesia orans 41 (2024) 333-364.

«Des voix masculines aux voix féminines. Quel équilibre genré pour la Parole écoutée et chantée?», in Homme et femme Il les créa: la place des femmes dans la Liturgie. Actes de la 67e Semaine d’études liturgiques Saint-Serge, Institut Saint-Serge, Paris, 6-9 juillet 2021, edd. A.F. Crăciun-A.Lossky-T.Pott (Semaines d’études liturgiques Saint-Serge 67), Aschendorff, Münster 2024, 85-112. ISBN: 9783402111550 Link to publisher.

«Mortem annuntiamus et resurrectionem confitemur. Microcosm of liturgical development. Part 1», Ecclesia orans 41 (2024) 77-106. Download extract from

«The Lady window of the Honan Chapel: discreet recapitulation of its iconographic project», Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society Ser.2, Vol. 128 (2023) 116-137.

«Eucharistic concelebration & Adomnán’s Life of Saint Columba», Ex Fonte 2 (2023) 37-63.

«The Hours of Easter Sunday: articulating a full day of the Paschal Triduum», Studia liturgica 53.1 (2023) 55-75.

«Resurrecting the Ambo. Monument of Paschal Memory and Eschatological Hope. Part 2», Liturgia Sacra 28.2 (2022) 105-147. DOI: 10.25167/ls.4806

«Resurrecting the Ambo: Monument of Paschal Memory and Eschatological Hope. Part 1», Liturgia Sacra 28.1 (2022) 117-162. DOI: 10.25167/ls.4760

«Le kyrie, eleison de la messe romaine. Un rite en quête de sens», Questions Liturgiques / Studies in Liturgy 102/1-2 (2022) 33-58. DOI: 10.2143/QL.102.1.3290875 PEETERS ONLINE JOURNALS (

« Celebratio sursum ad Dominum: Priest and People at the Altar » , Questions Liturgiques / Studies in Liturgy 101/1-2 (2021) 117-138. DOI: 10.2143/QL.101.1.3289408 PEETERS ONLINE JOURNALS (

Canimus, sine fine dicentes. The origin and development of the «Dialogue  Mass» and its influence on the preparation of the Missale Romanum of 1970 -  Fergus Ryan - Libro - Libreria Editrice

Canimus, sine fine dicentes. The origin and development of the “Dialogue Mass” and its influence on the preparation of the Missale Romanum of 1970 (Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 84), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2021. ISBN 97826605968 – CANIMUS, SINE FINE DICENTES – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

«In choosing the parts to be sung», Sacred music 147/4 (2020) 36-44.

«Ordinarium Missae & Ordo Missae – notable differences to be maintained in translation?», Liturgia sacra 26 (2020) 135-164. DOI: 10.25167/ls.2201 Widok Ordinarium Missae & Ordo Missae – notable differences to be maintained in translation? (

«Oto są baranki młode – an extraordinary paschal journey», Pro musica sacra 18 (2020) 137-151. DOI:

«Singing Responsorial Psalms: Raising the bar», Worship 94 (2020) 335-345.

«Music, Liturgy and Communication. Singing as Integral Part of the Liturgy», in Liturgia e Cultura. Atti dell’XI Congresso internazionale di Liturgia. Roma 9-11 maggio 2018, edd. F. Bonomo-S. Geiger-D. Jurczak-F. Ryan (Ecclesia orans. Studi e ricerche 2), Aracne, Roma 2019, 71-84.

«Iconography of the Honan Chapel: symphony of a single idea?», Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 119C (2019) 283-305.

«Mysterium fidei! The Memorial Acclamation and its reception in French, English and Polish Missals», Liturgia sacra 25 (2019) 69-98. doi: 10.25167/ls.1000

«The Gloria in excelsis Deo: Sources, Theology and Significance for the Roman rite», Ephemerides liturgicae 133 (2019) 222-237.

­­­­«‘Musicam sacram’: Documento – Recepción – Evolución», Phase 58 (2018) 9-27.

«Recitation of the Sacred Liturgy in common. Tracing the origins and path of an unrecognised novelty», Ecclesia orans 34 (2017) 123-163; 36 (2019) 9.

«The reception of Musicam sacram in the context of liturgical renewal», in Musica e Chiesa. Culto e cultura a 50 anni dalla Musicam sacram, edd. C.A. Moreira Azevedo-R. Rouse, Aracne, Roma 2017, 79-96. doi: 10.4399/97888255048666

Missa solemnis in recitatione autem cum cantu. An historico-liturgical study of the normalization of vocal participation of the faithful in spoken celebrations of the Roman Mass in the twentieth century and its influence on Missale Romanum 1970, Excerptum ex Dissertatione ad Doctoratum Sacrae Liturgiae assequendum in Pontificio Institutio Liturgico, Ateneo di S. Anselmo, Roma 2016.

«Rezar juntos la Misa. Una historia olvidada», Phase 55 (2015) 249-256.